Aromatherapy massage
Numerous archaeological finds and records confirm the use of essential oils in ancient civilizations. It was used for personal care, therapeutic massage, and stopping epidemics.

The use of modern aromatherapy or aromatherapy massage places great emphasis on the quality of the essential oils used, so only properly-produced, properly purified, impeccable essential oils of known origin can be used. During the aromatherapy massage, primarily the essential oils used are skin redness, good pain relief, muscle relaxants, antimicrobial, air purifying, soothing and balance restoring effects that complement the beneficial physiological and therapeutic effects of aromatherapy. Essential oils for aromatherapy massage Essential Oils and Its Main Effects: Antimicrobial: (bacteria, fungi and viral growth inhibitory effects): cormorant, citronella, eucalyptus, cinnamon, thyme, lavender, chamomile, clove tea tree. Relaxing, anxiety, sleeping and sleeping enhancing effect: lemon grass, orange blossom, lavender. Effects on the respiratory tract (helps to drain the peptic ulcer in the airways): fennel, forest pine, dwarf pine, eucalyptus, thyme (also cleanses the bronchi). Skin Reduction: (enhance skin and muscle tissue supply, painkillers and anti-inflammatory effects): peppermint, pinewood, eucalyptus, rosemary and camphor. Intravenous effect on the digestive tract (appetite suppressant, antispasmodic, stomach, bladder): anise, peppermint, fennel. Outside (in case of seizures): fennel, anise. For urinary system (diuretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic): juniper, fennel. Seabreaming: Chamomile. Help you find Aromatherapy body massage parlour in Delhi: